Atkinson PTA Leadership

 Atkinson Volunteer Leadership

The leadership of the PTA is made up of a volunteer board.  The officers are elected by the general membership of the PTA and the other positions are made by appointment.  The board meets monthly in an open meeting to make goals that relate to the Atkinson PTA mission.  Please feel free to contact board members at any time.  In addition to these positions there are many ways to be involved at your child’s school.

PTA Officers/Executive Committee :

The following positions comprise the rest of the PTA Board:

  • Programs Chair – OPEN position
  • Fundraising Chair – OPEN position
  • Volunteer Coordinator – OPEN position
  • Hospitality Chair(s) – Ashley Beach and Robin Webster
  • Amigos Chairs – OPEN position
  • Auction Chair – OPEN Position
  • Immersion Chair – OPEN position
  • ISC Chair – OPEN position
  • Outdoor Learning Garden (OLG) Chair – David Herron
  • Member at Large, Teacher – Alisha Chavez, Laura Humphrey
  • Members at Large – Danielle Garcia, Beth Robidoux

Click here to read job descriptions
Click here to login to volunteer job ebooks